
Butler’s Fitness Evolution was developed from a lifelong goal to help the average person achieve their health and fitness goals. As a whole, Butler’s Fitness Evolution attains this goal from the experience its team acquired in fitness, martial arts, law enforcement, and military spanning over three decades. Over the years speaking to hundreds of individuals with varying backgrounds many have shared the same feeling of intimidation about working with personal trainers and going to gyms in attempts to improve their overall health and fitness. We at Butler’s Fitness Evolution understand this and work with clients every step of the way to overcome that as they move forward on their fitness journey and achieve their health goals. We are very attentive to the needs of our clientele and help them feel better and get healthier.

Process of Evolution

Butler’s Fitness Evolution has combined various types of martial arts techniques to develop and teach self-defense techniques to women and men of all ages, kids, teens, law enforcement and all branches of the military. At Butler’s Fitness Evolution, we help individuals take their health and fitness to the next level. This isn’t a place where you come to just change one area of your life; it’s a place that involves a process of evolution to help our clients achieve their health and fitness goals along with providing them the means to protect themselves if needed.
